
最毒街邊小吃 - 網曝大陸街邊10大最毒小吃

街邊有各式小吃,不少民眾更喜歡「掃街」。然而,美味背後,卻危機四伏,不但衛生有問題,部份小吃更含有化工原料等。有媒體指出,如果貪一 時的口福,就可能會病從口入。近日,有大陸網民列舉十大最「毒」街邊小吃,讓人不覺心有餘悸。


最 毒街邊小吃

bosimeiya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


嚴冬奇景 水上漂浮「霜凍花」 - 霜凍花

這張美麗照片是在北冰洋所拍攝,海面上漂浮著一朵朵的「霜凍花」,其實是水蒸氣「凝華」直接結成冰後的產物。最特別的一點,一般冰塊皆是淡 水,可是這些花朵是鹹的,它們的鹽度比海水還咸上3倍!


霜 凍花

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微短片"喪屍血滴子 Zombie Guillotines"



喪 屍血滴子

bosimeiya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One Man Les Miserables

I had the pleasure of seeing the 25th Anniversary touring production of Les Mis as it passed through San Fran last month. I can not begin to tell you how blown away and moved I was by the show. Everything from prop to principal was amazing! Be sure to check out the official Les Mis site for tour dates! If it is coming to your city, do yourself a favor and see it!

One Man Les Miserables
One Man Les Miserables

Since posting my "Phantom" medley, the most requested video for me to do has been a Les Mis one. After seeing the show, I was completely inspired and decided it was time to give it a try. By no means do I come close to anyone who has or does actually sing/play these parts, but I had a blast trying :)

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超盈黑絲 - 超蓮低V出巡 超盈黑絲誘惑

賭王何鴻燊三房千金何超蓮及四房千金何超盈近年先後甩拖,回復單身的二人日前不約而同往中環夜蒲,穿低V背心的超蓮與以黑絲誘惑上陣的超盈 全晚不乏異性埋身,其中超蓮被搭訕的斯文男逗得心花怒放,暗角愈坐愈埋又咬耳仔。至於超盈則趕及在凌晨12時返家做乖乖女。


超盈 黑絲

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